Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"I'm tough, I'm ambitious and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna Ciccone

Seems as though it's the women of late that have any 'cajones' in the governing of this nation. I'm not surprised... it's been heading this way for quite some time. I started noticing it in the churches, as men are not desiring to be pastors in the numbers they used to, and the ones that did, have been quitting at a record high. Thus, the women come in and fill the spots. The same has held true for the military. In order to not introduce the draft, the armed forces have allowed women in almost every area now, including combat, something that was unheard of when I was young. A few years ago, my twenty-something son was working at the local hospital in rehab and told me that it was amusing (my word) that the women run the hospital. He noticed that the doctors come in and act like they're God and order their decrees in a denigrating tone, and then leave. The women are left to do the rest, and so they do. I read the other day that women are getting gray hair in their 20's, and are getting heart disease as much as men now.

I'm not sure what's happening to the men, but it is disturbing to say the least. We currently have a man in the White House that just wants to take sight-seeing trips with his family, and just "phone it in." As I've been saying for days, it is unconscionable to order bombing in Libya and leave the country. And now, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, and the president are NOT on the same page, as each is saying something different. Haven't they ever heard of CHAIN OF COMMAND?? The president is Commander in Chief, and the buck stops there! And he keeps changing his story -- he wants Quadafi out and then says he can stay if he behaves, while Hilary says he needs to go. Hilary is the one who has been in charge this week! She's not phoning it in. She's calling the shots but having to give the credit to Obama. And she's not happy about it - just look at her body language and nuances in her speech.
It's no different in the Republicans either. Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, and Jan Brewer have a lot more courage than the rest of the Republican men in Congress put together!! (And they don't cry either...) What is it with the men?? At least Donald Trump seems to have some testosterone! It's why Americans are responding to his rhetoric! This nation has become a bunch of wimps with all of our political correctness. It's not natural. In other countries the men do NOT want to become like pansy American men. I remember Putin saying this while Bush was president.
Somewhere in there a huge percentage of men checked out and decided to hand it over to the women. Maybe they got lazy. Maybe it was the Peter Pan syndrome and they didn't want to grow up. Maybe the female hormones from the meat and the water supply are affecting them.
Anyway, it is what it is...