Alex and me......
Well, here it is... living proof at how catty I can really be. Actually when I read it back, I sound soooo judgmental, but hey, I'm a girl and we can get that way!! Here are my texts with my grown daughter Alex (who is due with her 1st child VERY soon)
Me: Ready??!
Alex: Yes ma'am
Me: I love Juliana's dress
Alex: Guiliana Rancic's dress is gorgeous!!
Me: Very Hollywood, very Oscars
Alex: I love the detail
Me: It looks like palm trees on the sleeves
Me: I still hate Kelly Preston's hair, I mean Kelly what's-her-face's hair
Alex: Kelly Osborn. And her hair is sooooo bad.
Me: Did you see The Descendants? This little girl was on that movie
Alex: No, not yet but I will when it's rentable
Me: Yeah, it's really good. This girls's dress actually is not very age appropriate
Alex: Young kids actors rarely are
Me: So true
Alex: No, it seems ill-fitting
Me: Bad hair and makeup too
Alex: Yes, cheap looking
Me: She was so much cuter when she was younger...
Alex: Long interview
Me: Totally
Alex: Seacrest cut her off
Me: Haha yeah, slow start; we call this "filler"
Alex: Nobody cares E. We just want to see the dresses
Me: LOL, who's that new young guy (host) he looks like he could be your next door neighbor, seems pretty green around the edges
Alex: Ben Lyons. He is their official movie reviewer. His dad was a reviewer and Ben rides the coat tails
Me: Oh, I get it. Nepotism. He seemed a little too much. Like "what's up G?" to Guiliana
Alex: Goober
Me: I guess none of the stars are getting there early. They were reduced to trying and guess who would be best dressed. They think it will be Jennifer Lopez. My guess is that she will have her hair up and she'll have a slit in her dress all the way up to her thigh.
Alex: I'm over Jennifer Lopez. She clearly has low self-esteem and can't be alone so she dates dancers after every big breakup
Me: Yeah, it's pretty disgusting when a 42 year old female dates a 26 year old guy

Alex: It's very, very pretty
Me: It almost looks 1920s. Is she in The Artist? Oh yeah, she is, I guess that's why
Alex: I like how feminine the dresses are so far
Me: Me too, I'm not disappointed so far
Me: She has such pretty eyes
Alex: Milla looks fabulous
Me: Nice. Skinny.
Me: It would be fun to be there but embarressing too
Alex: How so?
Me: To be in the stands with all the other schmo's
Alex: Exactly. I would want to go to an after party
Me: Me too! That's the fun part.
Alex: Really? Wolfgang? Filler...
Me: Yeah, this is slooooooooooooow. It's like 2:00 o'clock in Cali
Alex: Kelly O's hair is just angering me.
Me: Oops, they're saying they're seeing a lot of black
Alex: Rose is in black. Boring. And she's too thin.
Me: And that other girl (from Bridesmaids) has a nude color on with strapless and she looks naked.
Me: Prom ish
Alex: Yes, it's too monochromatic
Me: Yes, that's the best way to say it
Me: I don't know this girl's name but she looks pretty with the auburn hair in the auburn color

Alex: This red head matched her hair to her dress
Alex: But it's a good look
Me: She seems very un-Hollywood
Alex: She's on The Office
Alex: Her dress has almost too much detail
Me: I agree
Me: Her dress is okay but the hair is YACK
Alex: Yes, I don't like the braids
Me: it was too severe for her, like she had just had a perm but didn't brush it out
Alex: I think you have to be young to pull off braids and even then it's probably not a good idea
Me: So true
Me: Some we'll be on E
Alex: And looking fabulous
Me: The stars should start rolling in now
Alex: Clooney's girlfriend looks so 80's
Me: With a big flower out of fabric
Me: Stacy Keibler looks cute, it is kind of 80s but I like it
Alex: Stacey's hair is fun, love off the shoulder, hate the flower thing
Me: DD says it only looks good on her
Me: The flower thing is very vogue right now
Me: Yes, terrible color
Me: But it's nice to put the jewel focus around her neck
Alex: Jessica Chastain seems to have a cute personality
Me: Yes, what a cutie
Me: Still very humble
Alex: Cutie and refreshingly fun
Me: Yes!
Me: Looks like the cover of Seventeen Magazine in 1970
Alex: Shaylene looks matronly almost
Me: I agree
Alex: Black and gold seems to be trendy this evening
Me: I was just thinking the same thing
Alex: I like that it's different but it's not my taste
Me: Why don't the stylists tell them to keep away from black?
Me: Some blondes don't look good in red
Alex: Michelle Williams and Busy Phillips looked pretty but I need to see a closer shot
Alex: She looks very demure. Her dress would be better in another color I think. But pretty.
Me: Now that I see her dress up close it looks very vintage
Alex: Her dress does look vintage. But a modern twist with the color. I like it I suppose.
Alex: She pulls off the pixie cut
Me: yes, only a tiny face can
Me: More filler
Alex: Filler...
Me: Oy vey
Alex: I didn't recognize Viola
Me: Green is GOOD
Alex: Love the green but it's a lot of cleavage
Me: She looks like she has on a woman's tuxedo
Alex: Glenn looks good. I kinda like the tux jacket
Me: Yeah, I wouldn't like it for me but I guess it's okay on her
Alex: Right
Me: Plus it's black. Ugh
Alex: And it had a train so it's a little much
Alex: Octavia just looks so classic and lovely
Me: True
Me: Good for Octavia, she looks good
Alex: Octavia is just knocking it out of the park
Me: Yes she's got great taste
Me: I can't think of this girl's name but wow she is superthin in that navy dress
Me: Rooney Mara looks very art deco - 1920s... or 30s

Alex: AJ said Rooney looks like a vampire slut
Me: Hmmm, I kinda liked it. She's got a striking unique look. I just love 1930s style
Alex: I think she looks a hellava lot better than usual
Me: Very Harlowe
Me: She looks like she's a Paris fashion model
Alex: She is emaciated
Me: Totally
Me: WRONG choice for Maya. Wrong color. Strange. Doesn't go with her hair at all. It might look good on someone with black hair

Alex: It's a little safe but I like it. I love Maya though
Alex: Maya's dress just didn't wow me
Me: Yes, coulda done SO much better
Alex: Kristen is so disappointing. It's beige. Yuck.
Me: Yes YACK. And she needs to be blonde
Alex: Who wears beige??
Me: I know!!!?
Me: Sasha sux
Alex: Poor Ryan
Alex: That is so sad. Sasha is a d--k
Me: A-- hole
Alex: Sooooo rude, I'm shocked
Me: It's all anyone will mention so it will get that attention he seeks - crap
Me: He's married to Isla Fisher
Alex: She can do better
Alex: Is that a new suit
Me: idk, hopefully
Alex: Tina, Tina, Tina. It's like a bad rerun.
Me: Tina should at least wear a lot more jewelry
Alex: Why won't Tina wear color?????? WHY?
Alex: Every red carpet she looks like she's going to a fancy funeral
Me: Haha true
Me: Even the E gals just said that
Alex: It's a cool dress but it's been done
Me: Totally. I expected her to take more of a risk
Alex: Me too
Alex: She looks glamorous though
Me: Always
Alex: Haven't seen it
Me: Very bright red with one shoulder
Alex: Emma looks great in that color but I hate the neck bow
Me: I like her in either emerald green or some kind of black
Alex: Emma disappointed me
Me: Agree
Alex: I think the presenters will have better dresses
Me: You're probably right
Alex: Is the red carpet over?
Me: I don't think so, maybe they are regrouping. We haven't seen Angelina Jolie yet
Me: Let's switch to ABC because they have a red carpet live right now
Alex: Ok
Alex: ABC is in high def which is awesome
Me: Yay!!
Alex: Nick Nolte is making me cringe
Me: Scary
Alex: Her hair is frumpy. Not crazy about the dress. Great necklace though
Me: She looks very classy. She doesn't look as sexy Latina as usual
Alex: It's classy but plain and no wow factor
Me: You wanted lavender
Alex: I like it. it's a little snoring.
Alex: It's your dream come true!!
Alex: Gwyn's hair is odd. Dress is SO simple.
Me: It looks very oddddddd, Hair is bore
Alex: VERY odd
Me: Disappointing
Me: ABC said this is the only place you'll see the red carpet so they must've kicked E off
Alex: I think you're right
Me: Contractual?
Me: Sandra Bullock looks terrible. YACK!!! DD says it's not that bad. I don't think it's dressy enough. Although she is adorable

Alex: It's matronly. Where's the glamour and feminity?
Me: Oh the back of Sandra's dress was really low and pretty

Me: Gosh, the red carpet kind of sucked this year... the Golden Globes is always my favorite anyway
Alex: The Oscars have just been so disappointing the last few years. Last year's hosts were SO bad but Billy Crystal is so predictable. Sigh
After having a day to let it all sink in, I miss the days when the Oscars were classier - when there was more civility. But Billy Crystal did much better than Ann Hathaway and James Franco last year. And there weren't too many surprises except when Meryl Streep won, I was one of the people she mentioned that was saying, "Oh no, not her..." I was pulling for "The Help's" Viola Davis.
I'd say I'd rate this year's Oscars a 7 out of 10.
See you next time...
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