Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"You cannot compromise your core beliefs..."

I like almost all of the Republican candidates, and they ALL would make better presidents than what we have now by a long shot, but I LOVE Rick Perry. He's a straight-shooter and I trust him. Having lived in Texas the entire time he has been governor (and actually my entire life except for the one year I lived in Denver) Rick Perry has been almost perfect. The big snafu that he's being roasted on is when he wanted all girls to get an immunization for cervical cancer, and I DID disagree about that. But he has pulled away from those comments when he saw how Texan women reacted, and blamed it on his passion. But it's his passion that I love. I want a candidate who isn't just in it for the popularity, but actually loves this country and wants to "conserve" the constitution. I want a candidate with a strong faith and morals from which to make the big decisions. I prefer a candidate who has served in the military although it's not a deal breaker if they haven't. I want a candidate that has class and manners; someone who was raised right. I want a candidate who believes in capitalism, American exceptionalism and small government. I want a candidate that is fair and loves justice. I want a candidate who is a tough man but is compassionate.

You see conservatives have "seen the light," yet we are compassionate towards those who have not. That's the difference. Liberals generally have one issue that they will not negotiate such as same-sex marriage or pro-abortion or legalizing marijuana and it drives them to vote on that one thing only. Conservatives are driven by their strong moral beliefs which also cannot be compromised. And all conservatives are Republicans but not all Republicans are conservatives. There are the country club Republicans who do not have strong moral beliefs, but skew closer to Republicans on fiscal issues so they can keep more of their money. Talking about religion embarresses them and they are not passionate people. (Well, maybe passionate about hanging on to their money?)
Rick Perry has all of my 'wants' in a candidate and more.
Perry is the man for this time...