In the midst of my moving fog & lack of Internet & cable for a week (thank you again Crappy Time Warner) I have caught a few stories on my phone. The one that makes me hesitate is the 11 year old handicapped boy who committed suicide this week due to a bully. Why is bullying getting so much worse? I know there were bullies when I went to school, but it just seems worse now. Even the movie, "Back to the future" had Biff as the stereotypical bully.
But as I think about it, my guess is that most kids are in daycare, and can't escape these punks. Too, for the same reason, kids aren't disciplined as much nor do the schools paddle like they used to. No, this is the result of liberal indoctrination. Too many kids were sent to the "Time Out Chair" instead of getting a spanking.
These kids have no fear...
Friday, September 30, 2011
"You can run but you can't hide..."
Posted by Pearl at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bullies
Thursday, September 29, 2011
"You got to move it, move it"
Yes it was moving day & I'm exhausted. And I'm only in 25% because my handyman & crew are way behind schedule. Right now I'm breathing tons of dust & paint & chemicals. With no curtains.
Posted by Pearl at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
"I Vant to Suck Your Blood"
An 18 year old Florida girl accused of helping lure a 16 year old boy into a trap that lead to his death says she's a vampire who has drunk the blood of her boyfriend, and confirmed she's in a vampire cult. She told a Miami TV station, "Since I was like 12, every fiber of my body, basically everything, I know this is going to be crazy, but I believe I'm a vampire and part werewolf."
Posted by Pearl at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 26, 2011
"Raising Cain..."
At first I was truly surprised that Herman Cain won Florida's straw poll a few days ago, but once I thought about it, I understood more. But it wasn't even close, he actually beat Perry and Romney TOGETHER - now that's a big win. I know it's early and I favor Rick Perry because he has been extremely successful here in Texas, but it is a fun fantasy to imagine Herman Cain vs. Barack Obama in the next presidential election. No more cries of being racist. No more playing games with Americans. And the most fun?!? Would be watching Big Media - ha! They will probably do everything they can now to get Herman Cain out of the race, because they couldn't pull all of their stupid, snobby stunts at how racist and stupid conservatives are.
Posted by Pearl at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Politics
Future Watch
Seems there are lots of floating cities in the sea planned for the future - this James Bond-looking one is conceived by a British firm. It has as much space as a cruise liner, it's own dock, four helipads, several swimming pools, eleven accomodation decks and a 360-degree observation area.
Posted by Pearl at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 24, 2011
"Su casa es mi casa..."
In defense of Rick Perry, non-Texans do not understand Perry's stance on immigration. That "barn door" has been wide-open for many, many years and closing it now is insane. Hispanics are over half of DD's high school, the majority in San Antonio and half the population from central Texas and below. We work alongside these people and they are our friends. Deporting them back to Mexico where the drug lords have taken over is heartless. Should we give illegals voting rights or social security? No, that makes no sense either. Our social security system would collapse and there would be no winners.
At least Perry has the guts to tell it like it is...
Posted by Pearl at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 23, 2011
"When it rains, it pours..."
I'm posting from my phone because Time Warner Cable got my order wrong and cancelled my cable service (which is TV & internet) today instead of next Thursday when I'm actually moving... A few weeks ago I bought a foreclosure in my town for a pretty decent price and have a handyman fixing all the errors the last do-it-yourself owner made. That's an understatement since virtually everything was wrong - electrical, plumbing, tile, paint, floor - you name it. There are random mysterious holes throughout the house... Anyway. My posts might be brief for the next few days as I attempt to move into a not-finished house, in a busy time at work, during football (cheer) season, with no help.
Posted by Pearl at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 22, 2011
"Being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be..."
Just posted a cool video since I don't have time to post tonight. DD cheered at a JV football game, and it started and ended late. The worst thing is the complete drama with these cheerleaders at the past 2 games. It's worse than a bad movie - there is backstabbing, sobbing and bitching.
Posted by Pearl at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
"Be careful what you wish for..."
Recently New York City's Mayor Blumberg made a prediction that there would be rioting in the streets. Evidently that self-proclaimed prophecy has come true, and it's called "Occupy Wall Street." I didn't know about this since Big Media is not covering it. No, I learned about it from my thirty-something son, who found out about it from twitter. Seems the college kids are mad that they can't find jobs, and are protesting out of lack of knowledge, as I see it. They are protesting that the rich pay less taxes than the others, which is not true by any statistics. I'm not rich, but I call them as I see them, and the rich are the ones creating the jobs, not people like me.
Posted by Pearl at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: USA
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
"I've seen the future and it is us."
Just posted a very cool video about how it might be for some in 2020. Gosh that sounds so far away... yet it's only in 8 years and 3 mos...
Posted by Pearl at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: USA
Monday, September 19, 2011
Abbreviated Fashion Police for the Emmy's 2011
Even though I had a hard time just trying to find yesterday's Emmy's fashions, by far the Best Dressed in my book was hot chili Sofia Vergara. Simply stunning.
Although she's big with Project Runway, I don't usually relate to Heidi Klum's style, but this dress was Runner up for me for Best Dressed. Ole!

Posted by Pearl at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hollywood
Sunday, September 18, 2011
"All that glitters isn't gold..."
These award shows just keep getting worse and worse. I always look forward to them and then am so disappointed, especially when they're like the Emmy's were tonight - completely tasteless and classless. I am guessing it's because the younger generation is taking the reins and doing things like they did tonight such as pick their nose, and talk about their children "catching them in the act" and sing songs about having sex. And it wasn't even 8:00 pm here in Central Standard Time Zone... Even the women's clothes were a complete disappointment but perfectly matched the tasteless production. Host Jane Lynch was not funny nor interesting, and even admitted to having a gay agenda, yet most people in this world are straight. The only thing they got right was when Kyle Chandler won for (recently cancelled) "Friday Night Lights" and the beautiful rendition of "Hallelujah" for the "In Memoriam" as they rolled the pictures of all those in their business that passed away this past year. Other than that, it was the same cliques that usually win like the "Jon Stewart Show" did for the 8th straight year.
Posted by Pearl at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hollywood
Saturday, September 17, 2011
"Let's get physical..." - Olivia Newton John
This week had 80's day at DD's high school.
Posted by Pearl at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 16, 2011
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap." - Galatians 6:7
Here is Shwejga Mullah, 30, an Ethiopian nanny for the Gaddafi family. She suffered major burns when Hannibal Gaddafi's wife, Aline, threw boiling water over her when she refused to discipline a child. Her entire body was covered in weeping scabs when she was discovered abandoned in a room at one of the family's luxury seaside villas in western Tripoli last month when she was too sick and weak to leave. She told CNN last month that she came from her home country to work as a nanny for the couple's young daughter and son a year ago. She explained how (model) Aline lost her temper when her daughter wouldn't stop crying and Mullah refused to beat the child. "She took me to a bathroom. She tied my hands behind my back and tied my feet. She taped my mouth, and she started pouring the boiling water on my head. There were maggots coming out of my head, because she had hidden me and no one had seen me," she recalled. "When she did all this to me, for three days, she wouldn't let me sleep. I stood outside in the cold with no food." Mullah was burned twice, the incident before this was three months ago. A colleague who did not want to give his name, also said he had been regularly beaten and slashed with knives, and also verified Mullah's story. Mullah added that she received no payment for the year she worked for the Gaddafis.
Posted by Pearl at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: USA
Thursday, September 15, 2011
"Players only love you when they're playing." - Stevie Nicks
Brad Pitt is the biggest jerk alive. Okay, make that Hollywood jerk. Or biggest man jerk in Hollywood. Whatever, he infuriates me. That guy gets on my last nerve. Mister Sexiest Man Alive. He's the most narcissistic of them all, and that's saying a lot. I don't even like Jennifer Aniston very much, but the way he left her was unconscionable. He makes a movie with Angelina Jolie and falls head over heels when she digs her claws in him. Then he does a magazine spread with Angelina while he's still married with Aniston but filming the movie. I remember it showing Pitt and Jolie as a couple with lots of children in this mid-century suburban looking home. Then he left Jen and immediately went on trips with Jolie and she became pregnant in a very short amount of time. Aniston genuinely was blind-sided. I just felt really sorry for her, to be left by the man she loved and was married to, and then have him immediately be with Jolie, AND have to be on every magazine cover for the past 6 years. I SWEAR I have even prayed for her to find a man, so she wouldn't suffer as she watched her ex become a father to 6 children in 6 years. So finally, she seems to be with someone she really cares about. So what does pretty boy Brad Pitt do? He gives the meanest, most insensitive interview about her. Why? Why after 6 years and 6 kids would he do this? Because he wants to win. He might even want to put doubt in Aniston's new guy about her. I can't even THINK of a bad enough word for him. He said, "It became very clear to me that I was intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn't living an interesting life myself. I think that my marriage (to Aniston) had something to do with it, trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn't. One of the greatest, smartest things I ever did was give my kids Angie as their mom. She is such a great mom. Oh man, I'm so happy to have her."
Posted by Pearl at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Labels: Celebrity
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
"Will She or Won't She? Only her hairdresser knows for sure..."
I'm angry at Sarah Palin.... I WANT to like her. She's an accomplished female politician that helped clean up Alaska's politics as governor. She's a mother with 5 children. She's still married to her high school sweetheart. She's an evangelical Christian like myself. She is a strong speaker. She was on John McCain's ticket as vice-president in the last election. And she has a Down's Syndrome child that she is so strong for. So why am I mad?
Posted by Pearl at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Politics
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
"No man is rich enough to buy back his past..."
Here are some shots of the World Trade Center Twin Towers from movies shot in NYC.
The Twin Towers opened in 1973.
They were a symbol of pride, not only for New York, but for the United States as well.
The tour boats always went by them for tourists to take photos in front of.
Early on a tight rope walker went between the 2 buildings, unauthorized obviously.
Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson in "Die Hard."
King Kong
I just wish that we could go back to how it was on September 10th, 2001 and prior. The world is so different now, as we fight a war as we've never fought before. It wasn't another country that attacked us, it was a religion. We're in a 'War on Terror.' And the enemy wants us all to die. They don't want our land, they want our souls. They want to conquer us and make us follow their religious Sharia law. They hate freedom, as they even voiced in their rally this past Sunday in Pakistan. We were minding our own business and they provoked us with the attack. They seem to resent our power, our beliefs, and our way of life.
Posted by Pearl at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: USA
Monday, September 12, 2011
"A wing and a prayer..."
If you'll indulge me, I feel the need to talk about politics... One thing that struck me in all of the 9/11 tributes on the television networks yesterday, is that they found the guys who were on President Bush's cabinet on that day and OH, how it made me miss them. I trusted these men and women. They are moral and intelligent, with high integrity. WE DON'T HAVE THAT RIGHT NOW.... The comparison is HUGE. The liberals that are in power right now are polar opposite of those people, and THANK GOD we have not had another similar crisis under this presidency because they would not have a CLUE on what to do.
Posted by Pearl at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Politics
Sunday, September 11, 2011
"Begin the begin..."
Posted by Pearl at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: USA
Saturday, September 10, 2011
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."
The Twins of Twin Towers
Ten years ago on September 11th, 3,000 people died in New York's Twin Towers and 46 of them were twins. For twins, it's like losing their other half since they have been unusually close since birth. The years since 9/11 have been difficult for the twins: no longer part of a twosome, they have had to reinvent themselves. And for the spouses of the dead twins, seeing the surviving sibling has sometimes proved traumatic. Ten years later, they are all doing their best to get on with their lives but they still define themselves as twins. As Olivia Lichtenstein (who has made a documentary film about the twins who lost their 'other halves' in the 9/11 attacks) has said, "When you spend time with them, you can almost feel the shadow of their missing twin beside them."
Posted by Pearl at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: USA
Friday, September 9, 2011
WTHeck Fridays
At our office we have a newspaper and printing business in a small town - well, sort of medium size town. My thirty-something co-worker is very cool, very likeable and very approachable. We have a mutual acquaintance that is around 40 and is engaged to a young girl who LOOKS 17 but he says is 21. They asked my coworker if she could come up with a wedding invitation that has a "beam, like in Batman." She asked, "you mean, those light beams?" and then said that was creative and "Why? Are you having a Batman-themed wedding?" They said yes, that the bridesmaids are wearing pink Batman T-shirts and the guys are wearing black Batman T-shirts.
Posted by Pearl at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 8, 2011
"Dig the well before you are thirsty..." - Chinese proverb
Just a quick post to say that Alex (who is 3 months pregnant with her first child) was talking to other young mothers the other day about their children. These other upwardly-mobile, trendy Austin moms were saying that the "new thing" is to make sure their young children learn Mandarin (Chinese) so they would be assured of a fabulously paying job in the future. Say what?! But then the more I thought about it, that's probably spot-on correct. The Chinese own most of the American debt, and the chances of us ever being to pay it back are slim to none, so.... it's easy to deduce that the haunting commercial where the Chinese laugh at us will probably come true for the children who are under 5 at this time... I mean SERIOUSLY, we simply cannot afford 4 more years of these socialists in power. Every time I see that commercial of the Chinese in that classroom in the future talking about how the Americans of 2011 were completely stupid and let them buy us out of everything, I wince. I'm hoping it's not too late. I'm hoping that we can take our country back.
Posted by Pearl at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: USA
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
"You cannot compromise your core beliefs..."
I like almost all of the Republican candidates, and they ALL would make better presidents than what we have now by a long shot, but I LOVE Rick Perry. He's a straight-shooter and I trust him. Having lived in Texas the entire time he has been governor (and actually my entire life except for the one year I lived in Denver) Rick Perry has been almost perfect. The big snafu that he's being roasted on is when he wanted all girls to get an immunization for cervical cancer, and I DID disagree about that. But he has pulled away from those comments when he saw how Texan women reacted, and blamed it on his passion. But it's his passion that I love. I want a candidate who isn't just in it for the popularity, but actually loves this country and wants to "conserve" the constitution. I want a candidate with a strong faith and morals from which to make the big decisions. I prefer a candidate who has served in the military although it's not a deal breaker if they haven't. I want a candidate that has class and manners; someone who was raised right. I want a candidate who believes in capitalism, American exceptionalism and small government. I want a candidate that is fair and loves justice. I want a candidate who is a tough man but is compassionate.
Posted by Pearl at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
"Pretty Woman, walking down the street..."
For this Toddlers and Tiaras pageant, this THREE-year-old's mother dressed her up as a prostitute (think "Pretty Woman".)
Posted by Pearl at 10:27 PM 0 comments