Some of my tweets and commentary:
-- Evidence Both Navy Seals Found Dead on the Maersk Alabama Had Links to Boston bombing Sniper teams - If you google this, you will find some really interesting facts...
-- Soldier flagrantly avoids flag salute, sets off online outrage - this soldier is an African-American female...
-- Embattled Ukranian citizens demand a version of the right to bear arms - Yeah, they GET it...
-- Gerald Celente on Bankster suicides in newly released video report on 'The Conspiracy Show' - Why the hell aren't more people talking about this????? This is HUGE. Why is the mainstream media ignoring this???? Decades ago this news would have been HUGE, but now?? Everyone is sleeping. No one cares...
-- Both Ex-Navy Seals found dead on the Maersk Alabama died after suffering heart attacks - Really? - Again, HUGE story. We all know that there is foul play - where are the new Woodward & Bernsteins of today?? WHO will be the real news gatherers instead of state-run media??
-- Snowden" Training Guide for GCHQ, NSA agents infitrating and disrupting Alternative Media online - It is now fact that liberals are purposely infiltrating the Tea Party and other conservative groups and alternative media and try to post negative information, create stress and disrupt with organized deception...
-- Dick Cheney sees enormous long-term damage in Obama military cuts - Yes, the prez is doing what he said he would when he took office - bring down the USA as a super power - and he is succeeding...
-- Was the iPhone security flaw a mistake or NSA backdoor - I'd be more surprised if it was just a mistake...
-- The left argues for "Post-Birth" abortion, & I'm not surprised - Okay, "POST birth abortion" aka murdering a perfectly healthy baby outside of the womb - so why not let the child live and be adopted by thousands upon thousands of people who would love to raise the child??? Oh wait, that would make too much sense. That wouldn't let them kill for the sake of killing...
-- Man booted out of voting booth for wearing 2nd Amendment T-shirt - WTF?? What happened to freedom of speech on a shirt?? Where is it written someone can't do this?????
-- How are you 'weighted under ObamaCAre? Doctor explains why you need to know - Did you know that under Obamacare, that citizens between the ages of 10 and 50 are actually 'rated' higher because they're the most productive citizens of the state???? So if euthanasia is allowed (see above on Post birth abortion) then the very young and elderly will be the first to go...
-- Democrat threatens TV stations that air Anti-Obamacare ad - Typical thug Union tactics to threaten to get their way...
-- You have been targeted for internment & resettlement - Just read about it... scary stuff...
-- Allen West "Indeed, there are Islamic terrorist training camps in America" - Sigh....
-- Every child born gets government overseer - This is in Scotland, but how long until the libs think it's a great idea here??
-- World media silent as Venezuela implodes in State-sponsored terrorism - Yeah... they're silent about a lot....
Footnote: I've started a new job lately and it is taking all of my energy, both mental & physical. Too, I've been sicker than I've been in many years and started worrying after I had to go to the doctor 3 times over it - but finally it's better. Not 100%, but better. All the news lately is the most negative it's been in my lifetime, and there are days I just can't read it. I feel so helpless really. But I do know that God is still on the throne and is still the King of Kings. I've read the end of the Book. We win....
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Read til the End
Posted by Pearl at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Dear Mom,
You've been gone for twelve years and I miss you as much today as the day you died - no, make that much much more. I wish we had the opportunity to talk to our loved ones one more time after they were gone. And I would want that time with you to be now.
I'm struggling so hard mom. And I've been super super sick. And so has DD.
The world is turned upside down. You wouldn't even believe how things are now compared to 2002 when you passed. You did get to see how 9/11 changed this country, but you only saw it one year in. The sad thing? Everyone has resigned themselves to this country accepting a more socialist/communist way of life and no one has any fight in them....
Making money is so hard now. Raising kids is so hard now. No one has dinner at the dinner table any more like we used to. I never get to see my brother and sister much. We are all far apart and everyone is trying to keep their head above water. My son is struggling so terribly and misses you so very much. And Alex is pregnant again, and we are all sad that you aren't here to see your big smile and feel your tight hugs. It's so hard to get older and even harder when you don't have any money. You were blessed to never have to work, and to be okay on the money front in your senior years. I don't have that luxury.
Mom, I just don't see a light at the end of the tunnel - not in this life anyway. I know someday, if I continue to follow Jesus, that I will get to go to heaven.
Until then, it's pretty bleak...
Posted by Pearl at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
The Day the Music Died...
Obviously the prez is emboldened that no one is stopping him from his agenda. He's gone from under-the-radar executive orders to, "I have a pen and a phone, " to "I can do whatever I want."
If you think about this for over a few seconds, then you have to see the full cockiness of this statement. Constitution be damned. Congress be damned. Anyone in his way be damned.
If ANY other president had EVER said this, everyone would be calling for immediate removal/impeachment, but not with this guy. No, he's our first AFRICAN-'American' president, so anything you can or will say will be labeled racist. You will be reminded to have white guilt and to promptly shut the hell up.
In his last term, he whispered, "Wait until my second term," and he wasn't kidding. Ever wonder how he was so sure he was going to win? Me too. The daily damage is so intense, it's a wonder that America will even be recognizable in 3 years when this prez' term is up. Of course, that's what some people in NYC said about Mayor Bloomberg, and look who's replaced him. New York City was under great leadership with Rudy Guilliani, and other 'moderate' Republicans. They turned that city around, but it's all being undone. What a shame. Gosh, it's hard to witness the undoing of this great country. And it's all being done through lies and deception, because no one would buy into their true agenda. But then, that's changing too. Communism was a very bad word when I was young, and now people, even NBC this week at the Olympics, have been touting the Soviet Union as some great nation. Really? Why not ask the refugees in the USA now who escaped? Or ask the Cubans that escaped Cuba what it's like to live in those countries. Where you're told what job you're going to do, and there is no freedom of religion. Usually you have to pay homage to the leader, like in North Korea's case. And there is NEVER any freedom of speech.
Well, we have the mainstream media to thank for not doing the job they used to, and sending us further into the handbasket to hell that we are becoming. And they are so blind, they cannot see that very soon, they won't be able to report on whatever they want - the government will just tell them what they can say.
Other countries are freer than the USA now. Other country's medias are reporting stories that we cannot read here, so thank God for the internet. I read that Snowden's latest commentary is blocked in the USA and taken off of You Tube as soon as it's uploaded. What are they so afraid of?? Whatever happened to free speech??
Oh yeah. It's been dwindling since the election in 2008....
Posted by Pearl at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 10, 2014
All the news that's fit to print... or not
Here are some of my recent tweets:
-- "He's wearing a diaper!": TSA agent humiliates cancer victim - This disgusts me on SO many levels... the mockery, the inhumanity, the cockiness...
-- Hannity leaving NY after all? House on market for $3.6 million - Good. Take your money out of NY Sean. You're welcome here in Texas... You better get out while you can
-- Peter Fonda bashes President Obama in Cannes: 'Your a F*cking Traitor' - Love this. Even the environment old Hollywood types are mad at Obama and feel betrayed...
-- Rosie O'Donnel outraged her son joined the military, "He did it to annoy his left-wing pacifist mother" - No Rosie. Maybe he needs men around him to learn how to be a man. Maybe, just maybe, he's proud of our country and wants to fight for freedom. Maybe he will love the comraderie of other guys having his back. You should be proud instead of ashamed, but we expect nothing less of you
-- White House admits lying about Obama meeting Kenyan uncle - Why? Because they got caught and had no other option to admit lying??
-- 'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake - Sad. Disturbing. Curious.
-- The shocking simulation involving a U.S. Aircraft carrier and Israeli cities that Iranian State TV aired - Yeah, but you wont' see it in the US, we have to learn about it in alternative media
-- Keith Olbermann: Iraq vet, amputee an embarressment to the military - No, Keith, it is YOU that is the embarressment. That vet fought for YOUR freedom too, you worthless POS
--Man responsible for Olympic Ring mishap found dead in Sochi - Yep, KGB is at it again. He embarressed them and he's gone now
-- Cruel police officer hacks off womans hair while shes tied up in a chair - The police officer has been fired now, but they said she was not told to do this, and the abuse of power is disconcerting
-- Pot-infused 'snacks' are becoming big business - and a big concern for parents - And, as a parent, this horrifies me. There are stories in my small Texas town of people eating food with pot that they were unaware of. How can we protect our kids?
-- Castro eyewitness to Oregon Senate: "Marxism is not coming, Marxism is HERE - Yes, conservatives have known this but no one else is paying attention
-- White House Press Secretary Jay Carney calls freedom a 'buzzword' - Disgusting
-- Federal agents conduct raid on 'Machine Gun Preacher,' 'Totally destroyed' Charity's shipment - He's a preacher with guns. Do the math.
-- Texas jury refuses to indict homeowner Henry Goedrich Magee after cop killed in no-knock raid - Yeah, that's how we do it here in Texas. You break in our house, we shoot you
-- They are coming for our water - And everything else...
-- Iran retaliates by sending warships to US border - And the president and media are silent
-- Poisoned, Vomiting, hospitalized W. Va. children close schools, media still censors 'poison' word - For the media to do this is unforgiveable
Posted by Pearl at 7:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 3, 2014
Winners never quit and quitters never win...
That was the worst Super Bowl I've ever seen.... poor Denver. That's got to be SO embarressing. Around 4:30 yesterday I asked DD if she was invited to a Super Bowl party, knowing some of the church youth groups were having get-togethers. She said that she had invited all her friends to watch it at our house. :/
So... I ran to the grocery store, and most dips were sold out, but I got the last cheese tray in the shape of Texas, and since they were out of bean dip, I had to get some gross generic kind that was horrid. And then some chips and drinks and made it home for kickoff.
Little did I know, there was no reason to hurry home...
I watched a lot of commercials, but by the time they all were here, I left the room, since they seemed to be a less comfortable when I was in the room. We all liked Bruno Mars at halftime and then they all left for another house after eating all the food.
But at least I was at a Super Bowl party...
And I am completely discombobulated this week. I quit my job on Friday, since I've accepted a new job in my tourist town for some tourist publications that I am very excited about. Who quits their job these days?? Who hires these days?? Who decides to take a job that is straight commission these days??
Well, I guess me... the new boss is awesome and the old boss is a mess (those of you who have followed for years know how verbally abusive she has been, and awful and unfair.) It feels like I have left an abusive husband, and it feels good and scary and yucky and exhilarating... Both jobs are straight commission but that can be good and bad.
I'm not going to let this stupid economy stop me. "With God all things are possible." and "apart from Him, you can do nothing..."
I'm praying a lot...
Posted by Pearl at 5:10 PM 0 comments