Well, it's Super Week for the Super Bowl... It's hard for me to get excited about the 'Yankee Bowl' since both teams are from the Northeast. And it's being played in Indianapolis; somehow it's hard to get excited about that too... And I can't STAND Tom Brady. Our sports editor was baffled at that today, saying he thought all women loved him because he's good-looking. I answered that I will like a good-looking man until he thinks he's good-looking, and then I lose all interest. I do like Eli Manning and that entire family, so I guess I'll root for the Giants. The entertainment this year is Madonna, of all people... I guess it's all so unexciting, that they are looking for a Janet Jackson moment?? And really, in the music world, Madonna is sort of a has-been. Did everyone else turn them down?? I guess the best thing will be the commercials.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Super Week
Posted by Pearl at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 30, 2012
"An ounce of prevention..."
Does this bother anyone else?? The First Lady on the cover of Prevention Magazine? Doesn't it cheapen the dignity of a First Lady? I know she's been on the cover of Time, or was it Newsweek? Well, they're all the same any way. And I 'get it' that her platform is child obesity... but the First Lady trying to look like a super model? It would have at least been better if she was photographed with a kid, or her kids, or something different than spandex clothes with the subtitle on the cover that reads, "Michelle Obama in her best shape at 48 - her wonder workout." And on the other side of her photo it reads, "Turn on your sexy switch tonight."
Posted by Pearl at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 29, 2012
"There's no such thing as a coincidence..."
You've probably heard by now that 14 girls and 1 boy in a New York high school have developed neurological problems of strange, sudden symptoms of ticks, tremors and verbal outbursts. They were normal high schoolers living a normal life, and then blammo! Most had to start getting home-schooled as their symptoms were too intense. All, of course, have been seen by doctors and drugs have been ruled out.
Posted by Pearl at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 28, 2012
"You have just entered... The Twilight Zone..."
Fran Drescher told The Huffington Post this week that in junior high she was abducted by aliens and claims to also have had a chip implanted during the experience. When she met her (now former) husband, Peter Marc Jacobson, he too had seen aliens while driving on the road with his dad. Fran says she thinks they were "programmed" to meet. She says they both have the exact same scar in the exact same spot. Jacobson thinks it's a coincidence, but Fran told him, "That's what the aliens programmed us to think, but really that's where the chip is." I'll never be able to watch "The Nanny" reruns anymore.
Posted by Pearl at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Freaky Friday (on Saturday)
Friday, January 27, 2012
"I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony..." - Coca Cola
In lieu of Freaky Friday (and there's a LOT of freaky news out there) I decided to let you in on a story I just read. It says "Twitter announces micro-censorship policy." The company announced yesterday that it could start censoring certain content in certain countries, a sort of micro-censorship widget that would pop up in a grey box on the Twitter feed. It would read, "Tweet withheld" and "This tweet from @username has been withheld in: Country."
Posted by Pearl at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 26, 2012
"The Chinese year of the Dragon..."
Remember over 10 years ago, when Regis Philbin was still co-hosting with Kathie Lee Gifford? Well, as you might recall, she had a line of clothes that it suddenly surfaced were being made in sweat shops with terrible working conditions overseas. It was a HUGE deal, and the media, which hated the always-in-a-good-mood Kathie Lee, and basically roasted her for something she knew nothing about.
Posted by Pearl at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
"Where's Waldo?"
Notice something out of place in this picture??! If you guessed the First Lady, then you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!! Yes, Michelle chose to wear a cobalt blue cocktail dress to the State of the Union address to Congress and the entire country. A dress that retails for more than $2,000 in the worst economy since the 1930's. But then, I'm not surprised after I read the story about her hairdresser and the fact that she flies him in for special occasions and he costs $10,000 per day. Or that she flew early to Hawaii, costing the taxpayer (that's us) double the amount to do so. Or the time she took her entire entourage to Spain and rented out a gazillion rooms for all of her friends at an extremely ritzy hotel. Or that she loves to order champagne and caviar.
Posted by Pearl at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
"Let them eat cake..."
I'm writing this post while the stupid State of the Union address is on. I haven't watched one since President O was inaugurated and I'm not going to start now. Why should I watch the same line of B.S. that he's always peddling? He wants to re-distribute wealth, blah, blah, blah. It occurred to me that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives hate oil because they associate Republicans/Conservatives with it. They think Big Oil has owned America and they clearly want all of America's dependence on energy to switch completely to THEIR friends. So they conjured up Global Warming and scientists to lie about it, and the Green industry, and got all of their friends on board, and started giving tax credits towards things like the Chevy Volt and whatever else to get them and their friends money. Always follow the money trail. Everyone wants money and politicians always want to be in charge of spending the money. These politicians, and I don't just mean Democrats, say they care about the poor and the middle class, but they don't. It's really all about them. They keep voting themselves raises and exempting themselves from Obamacare. Isn't this the biggest hypocrisy ever?!? And the stat came out recently that since Obama was elected, most politicians have doubled their wealth. Again, huge hypocrisy while the rest of us suffer and suffer and suffer some more. They don't care. "Let them eat cake," is most of their thought process. Yes, there are a handful that are honest and actually care, but they are few and far between. Congress has the lowest approval ratings in my lifetime, but do they care? Oh HELL no. They are laughing all the way to the bank. Why do you think they go through the laborious process?! So they can change the situation to make a ton of money for themselves and their friends. So don't be fooled about the green industry farce. Because that's exactly what it is. A huge lie.
Would you like to hear MY State of the Union??? Horrid. Really awful. And the only hope in sight is getting President O voted out and a conservative voted in. Period. It's that simple. Everyone I know with a brain is holding their breath for the rest of the year waiting to elect someone else to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Everyone is trying to hang on, like they are hanging on the edge of a cliff. It's the most important election yet in my life. Everyone needs to see the seriousness of this. It is no laughing matter. Our future will be determined next November.
We need to be on our knees every day...
Posted by Pearl at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 23, 2012
"And as we remember this historic anniversary..."
(39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade) we must also continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams." -- President Barack Obama
Posted by Pearl at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 22, 2012
"If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take..."
Just read about a new Facebook app called, "If I die," in which the Facebook user will be given the opportunity to post one last message or video on the site after their death. Three 'trustees' selected by the customer during their lifetime will have to verify the death before anything is broadcast. Nobody - not even those at the company - will be able to see what has been recorded until then. The app's website suggests that messages could be "your life story, a secret you haven't shared before or even a will."
Posted by Pearl at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 21, 2012
"Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game."
I come from a long line of hunters and I live in Texas, but I am disgusted that tourist trophy hunters are "hunting" GIRAFFES...
Posted by Pearl at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 20, 2012
Freaky Fridays
Tom Cruise, who will turn 50 this July, has revealed his big beauty secret -- placenta-based facials -- that's he's getting in the run-up to next month's Oscars. "Tom loves it because it keeps him looking young," a source said.
Posted by Pearl at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 19, 2012
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..."
Do we care that Marianne Gingrich is dishing on her ex-husband? Yes and no... I DO believe in confession and forgiveness and redemption (as Rick Perry said today.) And I do believe Gingrich when he says he has called upon God and turned his life around. But it didn't really change my mind about him. I have always thought him to be extremely sharp and well-experienced yet has too much baggage to be president. As I said earlier, we (conservatives) in America, hold our presidents to a higher standard, and Gingrich doesn't meet that standard. I want someone with similar morals to me in the White House. I want someone with a good head on their shoulders, who makes decisions based on their integrity and belief system, not on some political poll. For me, that person is Rick Santorum, (who by the way, IS the winner of the Iowa caucus, although no one seems to care.) Big Media wants Mitt Romney, so we will continue to get the news barrage about him.
Posted by Pearl at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
"Bottoms up"
Ever since I was young, I have had a fascination with the Titanic... It had all the right stuff for a thriller, yet was not fiction. It had wealthy people and working class people. It was the ship that "even God could not sink." And all of the "perfect storm" events leading up to it's sinking made it a huge nightmare. In my wildest dreams I cannot IMAGINE what it would have been like to be in the middle of nowhere, freezing cold, dark, and sinking.
Posted by Pearl at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
"Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff." - Frank Zappa
Just heard that Iran is banning the sales of Barbie dolls to rid their country of western influence & claim Barbies are un-Islamic.
Posted by Pearl at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 16, 2012
FASHION POLICE: Live Blogging the Golden Globes with Alex & DD
Me: Giuliana is wearing all high necks due to bc surgery?

Posted by Pearl at 8:02 PM 0 comments