There used to be a tv show, before my time, called "This is your life!" As I recall, they had the person's eyes blindfolded, and brought out people from their past, and they had to give hints and guess who they were.... Well, hellooooooo Facebook. I find it so strange that people from all my walks of life are my 'friends' on Facebook. It's like my life passing before my eyes, only I'm still alive. It's like a dream of meeting all the 'faces' you've known throughout your life. I've got my children, ex-husband, his family, nieces, nephews, friends of my children, co-workers from many, many of my past jobs, people from grade school, high school, college, old church, new church, clubs I'm in, friends of friends, siblings of my children's friends, teachers... my gosh, you name it.
My personal daily contribution is a quote. I try to make it inspirational, but sometimes it's just a funny quote, and always something that fits my mood. I've been down all week, so they've all been about being positive. I decided when I got on Facebook, that I was going to try to only say nice things and not post my usual political rants. (Yes, I've saved that for YOU! :) Oh, and all of my other fleeting thoughts and ramblings. I've got what I call my 'Facebookers,' who post daily and comment lots. And then there are the uber-Facebookers, that try to commandeer Facebook, and make sure you 'know they're in the (cyber) room.' I think, in the future, rich people will hire their own personal marketing manager, to manage their Facebook, Twitter and other social networking. I'm hearing businesses are already doing this, and so Facebook is already changing. I'm in a business networking group in my town, and they are all putting their businesses up, so you can 'Like' them, and they can advertise for free. This might get tedious, so we'll see what happens with that.
I know people put their best 'face' forward on Facebook, with all of the pix and only putting up the good parts of their lives. This can be depressing for those that don't want to take the time. And my 13 year old has friends who take their phones everywhere and take constant pouting photos to post for the hormonal boys in their class. (ugh) And they compete to see who will look coolest and who has the most 'friends' on Facebook. (again, ugh) It sort of defeats the purpose.
Facebook, like everything else, can be used for good or for bad. I think, all things considered, it's a good thing. I wish they would have had it when I was young (or do I?) I love looking at everyone's photos, and I've 'found' people I haven't heard from in decades. And we always pick up right where we left off years ago, (as I have this theory that no one really changes after 6th grade.) I post the skinniest, best photo I can find of myself and send it out to the universe.
I try to follow the quote, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything," and I feel better for it.
Now if I can just do that every day in person...