Saturday, August 30, 2014

Are You Ready For Some Football!?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

I'm not sure if I've EVER felt as helpless as I do now. My heart is BREAKING for the Christians in Iraq and this current administration will not do a thing. Well, let me correct myself. They are doing "targeted missile drops" and I can only guess that this is to keep the world at bay in the planet outcry over the genocide of Christians in that country.
As you know, I am a devout Christian. Not just In Name Only,  "CINO." I am a real follower of Jesus, reading His Word, and doing my best to obey His commandments. And those people are MY brothers and sisters in Christ. There are no borders with His children. There is complete genocide being committed and our Judeo-Christian country does NOTHING???
I am trying to figure out what to do. Ordinarily there is an outcry about things like this, and we pressure our government to respond with force. Well, this was B.O. (Before Obama.) There have been situations before that the U.S. has responded to. And with good Christians and Jews in charge with beliefs from the Bible/Torah, we have been the watchdogs of the planet, so to speak.
When bad things happen in Africa like Apartheid, all the Hollywood types get behind it. But for me, as an average person, I have no bully pulpit. I think that's why blogs and social media are awesome, because they became avenues for average people like me to say what I think, even if it's to my small audience. Celebrities have a huge forum with thousands and thousands of viewers of which to make their case.
And it is infuriating that the mainstream media is sugar-coating this and not putting high importance on this issue. They think it's uncool to be a Christian and of all the labels to be considered, Christians are the LAST group they want to cover. (Again, see my blog 2 days ago - they don't want their behavior judged by Christians, yet the irony is that jihadists will KILL them no matter HOW tolerant they are to Muslims since they are Americans/Westerners. Just read British media for a few days, and see what we have to look forward to if we stay on this path to hell.)
We, as Americans, have allowed millions of our own citizens to be murdered by abortion. We collectively (not me) have been tolerant of feminists who claimed that it's THEIR choice and THEIR body, and we have allowed them to MURDER (see Ten Commandments) babies. And today I read that Planned Parenthood is lobbying for POST-birth abortion. WHY????? If the child is already born, why not snatch it up and let someone who really wants a child to raise it. At that point, they have gone through the nine months and the inconvenient excuse doesn't even fly.
So are we now going to stand by and do NOTHING while children are being crucified or beheaded (along with adults) and women raped, and/or sold as sex slaves. Have we become THAT SELFISH that we cannot try to help these people who are being slaughtered???
I follow lots of Christians on Facebook, and there are tons of missionaries who are begging for prayer on this issue. People that are over there. People who have seen this happen. People on the run from these monsters. This is REAL. Are we so desensitized by television and movies, that we cannot get this through our skulls that good people are dying. Tons of them. GENOCIDE used to mean something!! Everyone is too wrapped up in what Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus are doing. Americans have lost their way, and I blame the mainstream media for setting the stage for what's important and what's not. Not too long ago, even the liberal journalists would cover these stories and it would move people to action. Now, it's pretty much just Fox News that will, and they are mocked for it. Sean Hannity was awesome to go to Israel and get the truth out there about what was really happening, but this administration is pro-Hamas and anti-Israel, which is dangerous for us because God says, "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you" regarding His people (Jews and Christians are adopted in, as it says in the New Testament.) I read today that Jimmy Carter will attend a Hamas fundraiser. Man, it just keeps getting better and better...
Oh God help me know what to do!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fire and Ice

Just came across something on my Facebook newsfeed that I'm going to share. I don't usually do that but I want you to see what was written.
It's about the current fad/fundraiser, "ALS Ice Bucket Challenge." Have I been challenged? Yes. Have I done it? No. Why not? Eh. I'm kind of a non-conformist, so if everybody's doing it, I'm not terribly interested. And by now, it's gotten annoying since that is ALL that is on Facebook and Instagram. And then I read that part of their research is going to things I don't want to support, so I became less interested. But then I have a friend who's mom has ALS, so I thought, hmmm, ok, if it's a good cause. Then I came across this today from WorldTruth.TV.....
(copy and pasted.)

I recently found out about the Ice Bucket Challenge and I really didn’t pay attention to it until a good friend mentioned that an ex-satanist friend said that this is the very same ritual he did when he was a satanist and was like a covenant contract with the devil. Because I had not done any research on it yet, I really couldn’t say if it was good or bad to participate in.

The Illuminati Fire & Ice Challenges ‘Purifying America’ Before The ‘Great Human Sacrifice’

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I recently found out about the Ice Bucket Challenge and I really didn’t pay attention to it until a good friend mentioned that an ex-satanist friend said that this is the very same ritual he did when he was a satanist and was like a covenant contract with the devil. Because I had not done any research on it yet, I really couldn’t say if it was good or bad to participate in. My initial thought was that it was just another passing social media frenzie. I wasn’t going to do it anyway because it didn’t interest me. HOWEVER, I began to spend some time in prayer about this because just saying that it was demonic was not a good enough explanation to tell people why it is not beneficial to participate in, if in fact there was something wrong with it. I have precious friends and family that have participated in the challenge and I want to make it clear that I am not wanting to offend anybody or condemn anybody who has done the challenge.

If you did it in innocence, then I don’t believe God holds it against you but I do believe that if a Christian participates in it, they should ask God to forgive them and break off any resulting curses. Let me tell you why. After spending time in prayer and doing much research today, I was really bothered by the fact that this Ice Bucket Challenge was bothering me and I didn’t know why. It was on my mind a lot and I kept asking God why. After much prayer and research, I found that the founder, Corey Griffin, of the movement seemed like a good guy. I didn’t find anything wrong with this kid except that he died last week and was unfortunate. Is his death related to the challenge or is it just a misfortune? Yes and no. On the surface of things, the whole challenge seems like a good cause. It basically is creating awareness to raise funds for Lou Gehrig’s disease, which is a disease of the nerve cells of the brain. The Ice Bucket Challenge is to throw a bucket of ice water on yourself or give a donation towards ALS which does research for finding a cure for the disease.
This is what I found out and what God showed me in my research. ALS uses some of their funds towards Embryonic Stem Cell ResearchWhen I saw that, I finally knew why I was bothered by this challenge in my spirit, but yet still seemed harmless. But I can’t support human embryos being used and destroyed for such a thing. I can’t support killing a baby for this cause. What also bothers me is that the devil himself has come in through the back door to lure the unsuspecting to participate in a ritual that basically signs a contact with the devil to participate in a kind of abortion. The phenomena of the craze on social media is fueled by a deceiving spirit that brings death. Is it possible that Corey Griffin caused his own death? I hate to say it and it sounds hard and he seemed like a nice guy but this is the perfect picture of the innocent dabbling in something that has originated from hell itself. A life was taken. An innocent life.
This depicts the fact and is a prophetic message that innocent life is taken to try and find a cure for this disease. God definitely wants there to be a cure, but not this way. This whole Embryonic Stem Cell Research is man’s idea, not God’s. It is man’s way of acting out to “be God” in deciding who lives and who dies. This just should not be. I get sick to my stomach thinking about it. So now that I think about what what my friend said that their ex-satanist friend said about the ice bucket ritual, I see very clearly what God is saying through all this.

The enemy has come into America through the back door with what seems like a good work and a good cause but it is only on the surface. As you dig a little deeper and take the time to research, you will see that what I am saying is true. This is a type of sacrifice. It is a type of satanic sacrifice. All these human embryos are being sacrificed. A type of cannibalism is occurring because this craze and this phenomena is causing people to give into this one fund and neglecting other good and noble foundations that have have better causes and more moral ones. There is definitely a spirit behind this cause and it is not the Holy Spirit. God would never endorse such a fundraiser that supports using human embryos for research. It is abortion, plain and simple. To all those who have already participated, there is no condemnation, but there is a plea from the heart of God to pray, seek his face and ask forgiveness. I really didn’t want to post anything for or against this challenge.
I didn’t want to get involved. But The Lord challenged me to speak the truth and I have done so. Though this post is lengthy, it is very important to pay attention to what God is saying here. Let there be a lesson learned. WE MUST KNOW WHAT WE ARE GIVING INTO! We should only give into good soil. I have concluded that the Ice Bucket Challenge is not good soil to sow into. I also pray for those who have the Lou Gehrig’s disease that they will be healed by The Lord Jesus Christ and a more noble and moral research breakthrough for this disease will be found. I’m so sorry for offending anyone because of this post. That is not my heart to hurt anyone. Please hear me on this. I felt it was important to speak the truth and speak what The Lord wanted me to say. I truly love you all. Let me leave you with this final, but powerful thought. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!” ~ Reeni Mederos

You say you don't believe in this kind of stuff? Well, that's your perogative. But with all the evil in the world right now, you might want to think twice...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back." (feminism quote)

Last night I TRIED to watch the Emmy's but, after 30 minutes,  I switched to something else. If you have read my blog for years, you know that my older daughter Alex and I have traded our quips on red carpet fashion, but Alex had her second baby last week, and just got home from the hospital over the weekend. So even that fun wasn't there to share.
And, since there was so much about the VMA's yesterday after Sunday night's MTV award show, I had taped the oncore showing to see what everyone was talking about. So I switched over to it, and well, YUCK. Each year, these "celebs" try to one-up each other from the previous year, and since Miley Cyrus had set the bar (rock-bottom) in last year's VMA's with Robin Thicke and the foam finger, they all seemed to have something to prove. So I guess when shows air on MTV, celebs think they get a pass from decorum, and they sink to the lowest common denominator. I only watched about 30 minutes of this one too, fast-forwarding through the filth, which was most of the time. As the show came on, the stage seemed like it was in the middle of Sodom and Gomorrah with swarms of people writhing around them like snakes. As a matter of fact, a story had been released earlier in the week, that one of Nicki Minaj's dancers was bitten by one of the snakes in the rehearsal.... um hmmmm. Consequently they removed the snakes for the live performance, and the backup dancers appeared to not have any clothes on at all, but body paint in designs. I could see every crack on them, and guess they had on extremely thin underwear that was painted as well??
All the talk had been about Nicki Minaj and then Beyonce, and after I watched, I thought that Beyonce's performance was embarressing. Here she is, the mother of a toddler, who was there, and she was doing the nastiest television show I have ever seen.  Bar none. It seemed pathetic as she aimed it at her cheating rapper husband. So it was ironic that she had the word "feminism" on a screen behind her  in a revealing jeweled leotard in her stripper dance simulating sexual intercourse with a lounge chair. So many conservatives are asking, WTH?? How can these women say they are feminists, and think that being a glorified stripper isn't being a huge hypocrite??
Well, if you think about it, it's actually not surprising at all.
This is the type of women that say they can have sex when they want, with whoever they want, however they want and no one should stop them. And should they get pregnant, it's their body and their choice  to do whatever they want. Somehow in their warped minds, this makes them like men. They can have unlimited sex with no consequences. Oh, and as an aside, they also want the rest of us to pay for their birth control because it's a God-given right (even though they don't really talk about God other wise. Except the other day, I read a liberal woman said that it's her God-given right to abort, but I digress.)
You see the old norm of good girls saving themselves for the right man and marrying him is completely old school to these types. These days it's all about the sex, and the attention, and the freedom to dress however they want and do whatever they want with no consequences. These types also don't want to be judged by Christians (or the God they don't believe in) so Christians are the enemy. I've often wondered why they are so pro-Muslim, when that religion is so abusive to women, and don't let them wear what they want, or do what they want and treat them like dogs. But I get the feeling, that once they have shut the Christians up, then they will start to oppose Muslim's treatment of females & homosexuals.
Yes, these Hollywood types sold their souls to the devil a long time ago, and I don't see many get off that reservation. You see, the devil pursued pop culture, Hollywood, and the education system to have a grip on the youth, and he has won that battle. But that is going to start changing and the youth will start to see that they were lied to by the biggest liar on the planet.
And there will be an awakening with the youth.
It starts now...

Monday, August 25, 2014

"Be present in all things and thankful for all things." - Maya Angelou

School started today here in Texas, so here we go. It's my youngest child's senior year, so everything we are going to do will be the "last" for her school years at home. Like today was her last first day at school, so we snapped our traditional first day photo and off she drove to meet up early with her boyfriend at school. DD is so busy with activities, that she isn't home much. She's doing varsity cheer, danceteam and band this year, so halftime will be crazy busy. Our first game is this Friday (and, of course, it will be the "last" first game.)
Senior years are completely different these days than when I was in high school - or even her older brother and sister's high school experience. It's like the kids just give up and "phone it in" now days. They come to school sloppier than in year's past, and act like it's such a pain to be at school. Many drop out of activities and kind of give up. And, if they are college-bound wannabes, then whatever class rank at the end of your junior year is what counts. It's a catch 22 (I guess THAT dates me) because colleges only want the top 10% of each class, yet with tons of leadership activities. As a matter of fact, DD has already applied to four colleges, since most open it up on August 1st each year. She had to write two essays for the University of Texas, and Texas A&M requires three. I think it's kind of ridiculous, since they don't really know if the student wrote it, or if someone else did. Of course, there is an essay now on the SAT, so they do write that one on the spot.
I'm trying to teach DD to live in the present because we really don't know what tomorrow holds. Yes we plan for the future, but we don't want to live there (or the past either.) That was an epiphany in my adult years, since Americans are always planning for the future until they die. This country is always in a rush, and it's stressful. I've talked to people from other countries, and they seem to live in the present better than us Americans, but I doubt that will change any time soon. We are a 'shop til you drop' mentality nation, and I'm as guilty as anyone. And yes, I'm competitive so there's not much I can do about it but jump on the merry-go-round and ride.
That was the main reason I left the job I was at for the last six years. As a small company, my boss did not even let me take any vacation for two years, and after that I had to fight for two days a year. And as the sole salesperson, it was constant pressure to produce - produce - produce. People get tired. They need to rest. They need to do something else, at least temporarily to recharge. They need to have a life outside of those four walls.
So now I'm looking. I am trying to remain positive, as I know that it is a miracle any time anyone gets a job. And honestly, it's scary to be looking for a job as a Baby Boomer, especially in the sales area. Most companies would prefer a blonde twenty-something. But God promises to take care of my needs, so I'm taking Him at His word.  Am I sending out resumes/cover letters? Yes. I'm doing my part, and He will do His.
So, I need to practice what I preach. Live in the present. Be thankful for all I have today.
It's all we've really got...