Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho and a bottle of Tequila?

Just read on Drudge that 'pirates' on Falcon Lake (along the southern border of Texas) came over to an American couple from McAllen jetskiing, and shot the man, and then as his wife tried to help him, they shot her. She was able to get away but had to leave her husband... Why isn't this being reported any where else?

When I was young, my father took us to Falcon Lake on vacation. We used to often go with other families to the border, and go across into Mexico to the Cadillac Bar and shopping. What a shame that it's no longer possible...
With the terrible violence at the border by the Mexican drug cartels, it is no longer safe to cross the border, and it's coming farther into Texas as well. Within the past few weeks, gunshots were fired at a building at the University of Texas at El Paso. And it's just a matter of time, that it comes farther and farther north. These people think nothing of killing innocent people, and often for no reason at all.
If the Democrats grant amnesty, it will, in essence erase the southern border. It will give all illegals full rights of U.S. citizens, including social security, healthcare, education and.... wait for it.... voting (the real reason they want to do this.) And then the country will collapse financially, because we are already bankrupt now. In the mean time, the violence will flood our country, when anarchy begins.
Bienvenidos a Tejas! Cuidado......

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Every breath is a choice."

Well, I just read a report that confirms what I've been saying. That Baby Boomers will have a high rate of suicide... This report said that middle-aged suicides are on the rise in the U.S. due to 'poor health and poor economy.' Thank you liberals.
And Baby Boomers are the least healthy middle-aged generation, with large rates of obesity and the diseases that result, such as diabetes and heart disease.
The risk of suicide was substantially larger for unmarried than for married people, with unmarried middle-aged men 3.5 times as likely to commit suicide as married middle-aged men.
This terrible economy is having consequences and they are not good. The president says he inherited all of this. Well, as I heard on Fox last night, one of the commentators said Obama was given a bad hand (of cards) and has played it terribly. Spot on. He has done the absolute opposite of what he should've done, and now this freight train is a bullet train to hell. It will take A LOT to stop this train, and then turn it around. And it will take discipline, something many Americans don't want. It's like losing weight. It's not fun and it's not easy...
In the mean time, reports like these are hard to hear...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear..."

from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14

This is so difficult.... watching our current administration collapsing before our eyes... The president's main staffers are jumping ship. They aren't willing to go down on this sinking Titanic. This is the earliest I've seen the inner circle do this sort of thing to their boss.

The president is telling Democrats to 'Buck up' and that they are acting irresponsible. I've never seen this - ever. It sounds like a professor admonishing his class that they haven't tried hard enough on their homework.
The news today is saying that the jump on Wall Street is by wealthy liberals trying to make the market go up before the election.
Oh, and the president feels the need to tell us why he's 'Christian.' And as a Christian myself, I've never heard anyone say they are a Christian because they were drawn by the precepts of Jesus and because of the basic principles. Hmmmm.... No emotion. Just not believable to me. Many say he is doing this because reports of polls that say the number of people who believe he is Muslim is growing. I'm guessing that other polls say that most Americans want their president to be of the Christian faith.

These are perilous times. Our next election is not the normal fare. This election will actually decide if our country will continue as it has for the past 100 years, or be relegated to an impotent nation with such a huge loss of power and energy that we may never be able to pull out of.
Choose wisely...

Monday, September 27, 2010

"The hand that rocks the cradle..."

In an interview with Matt Lauer, the President says that he favors a 'longer school year.' Really?? Is that so parents will have even less time to spend with their children and the government can push their liberal agenda on these impressionable minds?? They already go to school 9 1/2 months and he wants more? Give me a break... Give THEM a break! Kids need time away from learning (and indoctrination.) They need time for vacations and camp and just playing - even if they have working parents - it still gives them a break from the school system.

I am sick of the government - which used to be US, but now it is THEM - trying to run our lives. Stop telling us what we can and can't do or eat or WHATEVER!! Stop cramping our style and limiting our freedoms. Get out of the way! Stop your power plays. Stop padding your friend's pocketbooks!
Just STOP!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Season Premiere Reviews

Well, it's been a break-neck pace week of Homecoming events every single night, but... I did tape a few shows to watch each night, so here's my critique.

Monday's "Hawaii Five-O" was probably my favorite new show of the week. It was fast-paced, showed the beautiful backdrop of Hawaii, and incorporated just enough of the old show to connect them.
Tuesday I taped both "NCIS" and "Glee," but was a little disappointed with both. NCIS just seems like they are tired and recycling old stuff, and Glee seemed to be trying too hard. I do love all the dance choreographed scenes, and they had some great new singing talent, but it was just too contrived...
Wednesday's "The Middle" was just solid good as they always are, showing how the working middle class survives the first week of school.
And Thursday's "The Mentalist" was not near as good as the shows last year. Of course, I think Simon Baker as Patrick Jane is gorgeous, but he was trying to be serious and brooding, as opposed to his devil-may-care attitude that he usually displays. So that one was disappointing as well.
I rounded it off with Friday's "Blue Bloods" with Tom Selleck. I will continue to watch it, but they had better make some immediate changes, or I don't think this one will make it. It has a schizophrenic story line, so they need to decide if they are a family drama or a police drama. They couldn't seem to make up their mind on the pilot show. Tom plays Frank Reagan, who's Harvard graduate son has decided to follow the family and graduates from the NYC police academy. Meanwhile a little girl has been abducted, and her diabetic condition hurries their efforts. This part of the plot is remedied half way through the show instead of at the end of the show, and then the lawyer sister is representing the older brother that bends the rules to solve the case. Huh? All stories need to have a strong finish, but this one did not. Oh, and Tom Selleck wasn't in enough scenes. He seems to have a few one-liners, but nothing substantial. That needs to change quickly.
All in all, it was better than average but not as strong as it should be.
Book 'em Dano, I'm tired!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Mourning in America

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Freedom of Speech Under Attack

A Canadian-Iranian blogger credited with starting the blogging movement in Iran is facing the death penalty over his writings.

Here in America, liberals new anti-freedom "Disclose" Act will take away your right to criticize government and order a gag on organizations like CCRKBA (Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.)

Wake up America. The election is getting very close. If you're not registered to vote, you have a little while longer to do so.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"If you come to fame not understanding who you are, it will define who you are." - Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"The Boston Tea Party was nothing compared to what will be."

There's a story out today that Hillary Clinton is pushing for the U.S. to spend $50 million contribution (of our tax dollars) on cooking stoves to the United Nations for third world countries.

THIS REALLY PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!!!!! What is this?!! Monopoly money??!! How about we stop giving our hard earned tax money to other countries for awhile???? How about we get our country straightened out?!!! This is BEYOND ridiculous!!! This is the height of irresponsibility! These people are acting like they stole a Cadillac and are racing down the highway as fast as they can until someone catches them! These liberals UNFORTUNATELY have 'carte blanche' until the next election. NO WONDER a grass-roots party is on the rise?
And they wonder why their poll numbers are so low....
I am ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Government Fun Facts of the Day......

Biden reminded us that he's second in line to be president..... ugh.
Hillary has a 'fun' new hairdo...

In the U.K. they are proposing that all paychecks go to the state first. Well, we all know, we're just a few short years behind England...

Today at Obama's Townhall meeting, his own voters asked him if the American Dream is dead for them and is THIS their new reality...

Government could seek foreign investors for GM.

Marijuana growers join the Teamster's Union...

France and Spain urge GLOBAL tax to fight poverty....

And Christine O'Donnell is being 'Sarah Palined' by the lamestream media. Today it's a comment she made a decade ago that she dabbled in witchcraft in college and didn't like it. No mention was made of Hillary having seances with Eleanor Roosevelt....

Sunday, September 19, 2010


The Obama's finally went to church today! OMG, it's only taken them nearly two years, but evidently today they all walked over to St. John's Episcopal, which if I'm not mistaken, is the church that lots of presidents visited from time to time.

My cynicism tells me that maybe the president knows that his popularity is at an all time low and needs a good photo opp.
But my optimism says that maybe he sees the country is heading over the cliff and knows he needs to pray.
Either way, it still should have done them some good.
God knows the man in charge of the free world needs some assistance. Ahem....

Friday, September 17, 2010

"The Great Escape..."

I'm looking forward to the new season of TV shows... I mean it's been almost 4 months of reruns and reality shows - ugh! Years ago the new season started the day after Labor Day which was also the first day of school. They continued until Memorial Day, the last day of school. But time was a lot simpler then, and there were only 3 stations. My shows-to-watch last year were The Mentalist, Desperate Housewives and Glee. Actually, I started watching Glee later, when word about it started getting out. It's like watching a creative Broadway musical each week. I used to watch NCIS but have gotten bored with the similar story each week. And this summer watched the reruns for The Middle, which between the mother, Patricia Heaton, and her daughter Sue, (an actress with a big future) make me laugh til I cry.

Next week I'm looking forward to the new Tom Selleck show, Blue Bloods, about an NYC cop family. With our country in such a TERRIBLE mess, Tom Selleck seems soothing and in charge. He's moral, reasonable, intelligent, presidential, and classy, and is MY president. (There used to be a bumper sticker that said (actor/current NRA president) "Charlton Heston is MY president" while Clinton was in office.) And, since I can't even afford a vacation, I'll watch the new remake of Hawaii Five-O for the background scenes filmed in Hawaii.
I guess it's like the Depression in the 30's when everyone went to the movies for escape...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"I've got good news and bad news."

Several reports out today that are upsetting but not surprising.

First the bad news...
1 in 7 people are in poverty in America now. It's the third consecutive year the number has gone up, and is the highest in the 50 years they've been keeping this record.
1 in 381 households received a foreclosure notice in August...
Foreclosures rise and repossessions set a new record...
At least 1 out of 10 is looking for a job (and this doesn't count those that have given up.)
The president is asking for yet another 'stimulus.'

And the good news...
The Tea Party is gaining strength and had some good wins yesterday.
Glenn Beck's rally in Washington should give us all hope for the future.

P.S. - Michelle Obama told the French first lady that her job is hell and she hates it.
Hopefully she and her husband will be leaving when his term is up...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical." - Sophia Loren

Ok, this caught my eye since Heidi is also like watching a car wreck. I actually feel sorry for her, since she seems so lost. She's actually looking better than she did just after her surgeries, when she looked like bride of Frankenstein. How very sad that her self-esteem is so low that a nice looking girl would subject herself to so much pain and change in order to try to be the object of men's desires? I hope she restores her relationship with her family. And I hope she sees that she was beautiful before her surgeries, and that beauty is skin deep.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Satan is alive and well on planet earth."

As I read through the Drudge Report today, a headline caught my eye - "Student in bulletproof vest slashes dean's throat." It made my heart beat faster, since this seems like such a violent thing to do -- and painful. When I read the story tonight, the big elephant in the room was mentioned at the very end of the article.What set him off is the mention of the Florida pastor that was going to burn a Quran on 9-11 (which he subsequently chose not to follow through with.) This man, Breznik, wrote Monday on Facebook, "This is now a holy war. Scriptures have been desecrated. War U can't handle. Make a choice and quick."
So he chose a random authority figure and this is his payback to the country? What kind of terrible anger... the same as the young woman last week walking into Starbucks, and a twenty-something woman said, "Hey pretty girl" and then threw acid all over her face - another random person, who now will be scarred for the rest of her life...
What kind of demons do these people have??

Monday, September 13, 2010

"Money for nothin' and chicks for free" - Dire Straits

Last night I watched MTV's VMA's, which is the same reason people rubberneck at a bad wreck...

This award show has a reputation for being the wildest in outfits and behavior, with staged antics like Britney and Madonna kissing or unstaged antics like Kanye West barging in on Taylor Swift's acceptance speech. But in spite of nasty, foul-mouthed Chelsea Handler begging attendees to be on their worst behavior, it was relatively tame.
Some of the music was actually really good and I found some new artists/songs that I like. Of course, the "in your face" musicians, Stephanie Germanotta (aka Lady Gag-me) and Marshall Mathers III (aka Eminem) racked up the most awards since that seems to be what garners the most attention. The 'look-at-me' outrageous moment was when GaGa came out in her meat dress... That 's right, she wore REAL raw meat to make the statement that gays shouldn't be kicked out of the military if caught in the 'Don't Ask Don't Tell.' She says, if they don't stand up for their rights, then all they will be left with is the 'meat on their bones'...
But then there were also moments like cute little Justin Bieber winning Best New Artist (voted by the fans) that were more normal. And, in a retro moment, Cher, who is a mentor for these drag queen wannabe's, was in her negligee costume from 20 years ago, showing you can still be buff (and wacky) at 64.
All in all, I guess when you have to tell people to be bad, then you're trying too hard to force something. MTV has gone more mainstream with hits like 'The Hills' and 'Jersey Shore', so they're not the punk rebels they started out as.
Maybe these 2 years of liberals being in power have moved the country to the right....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 God Bless the USA

Friday, September 10, 2010

"In the last days, they will trade the truth for a lie."

Now, let me get this straight... Islamists can burn the Bible and burn our flag and we do nothing. But one, fringe preacher of a tiny church threatens to burn the Koran, and the Afghans are rioting in the streets, and the Lame stream media covers nothing else for days.

And let me get THIS straight.... The Islamists hijack OUR planes, and fly them into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and head for the White House and kill over 3,000 people innocent people in NYC alone. Now they want to build a 'Cordoba' Center two blocks from the site, and when Americans protest that this is sacred ground, they THREATEN to do more of the same??!!

And let me get this straight... our country has freedom of religion. Let me clarify 'freedom.' You are free to worship as you wish UNLESS it infringes on another's freedoms. If their religion says to kill the infidel, and they define infidel as anyone not of their beliefs, then we have a PROBLEM. We cannot allow the religion's freedom if it means killing all of us, RIGHT?!

Our 'political correctness' has taken this country to the ABSURD.
It's not rational, it's ridiculous. And very, very dangerous.....

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Too Tired To Blog.........

I've been rushing around like a chicken with my head cut off since 6:30 this morning. And I didn't get home til 9 tonight... also heard on Facebook that one of my favorite people in my small town had a massive stroke last night. And since my own father had a massive stroke at the age of 46, I know what's in store for him if he lives. Say a prayer for John. He is the kind of person I moved to this town for - salt of the earth. Twinkle in his eye. Would give you the shirt off his back.

I'm tired...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"I'm blonde, what's your excuse?" - Reese Witherspoon

Ok, enough already! Leave Jessica Simpson alone! So her weight yo-yo's?! So what! So do a lot of women! Jessica is very lovable - completely ditzy, in a cute way. She's a Texas girl and loves fashion - a true girly-girl. I know... a lot of women don't like women like her, but I also like Kathie Lee Gifford too. Yes, she's perky, but she's real. She loves her husband and her darling children. She had to go through her husband's infidelity in public, and has endured so much hatred. Now they're doing it to Jessica Simpson, and I'm NOT going to take it anymore! And I refuse to cheer for the Dallas Cowboys anymore, after that JERK Tony Romo broke it off with Jessica on her BIRTHDAY.. What a chump. Yack! I hope she finds true love with someone who has a good heart, and sees her for the good hearted gal that she is. Some may call Jessica stupid, but she's got a fashion business that brings in $500 million a year.
She's laughing all the way to the bank.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies."

Currently reading - Golf's Sacred Journey

Favorite movie - Fried Green Tomatoes and Steel Magnolias
Worst Habit - Clearing my throat non-stop, and interrupting
Favorite Guilty Pleasure - eating chocolate and reading a gossip magazine (hey! I'm a girl)
When I was a kid, what I wanted to be when I grew up - Peace Corps worker (hey I was a child of the 60's!)
First job - worked at my father's electric company - ugh - watched the clock tick...
First thing I do in the morning - put in contacts and post quote on Facebook
Favorite place to eat - Greeter's Corner - Laguna Beach, California
If I could have a celebrity for a neighbor, I would choose - Rush Limbaugh
Favorite place to get away - I already live in the Hill Country, so I just take a drive
What makes me happy? Well, of course my children - but also the beach, Laguna Beach, Romantic Comedy movies, and laughing with old friends
My three most used bookmarks on my computer browser - Facebook, Twitter and Drudge
My first car - a 70 turquoise Bronco (still my favorite car)
Best invention of the last 50 years - the internet, wow, it blows me away
Last movie I saw - Eat, Pray, Love
Biggest challenge - Finances - ugh...
What I'm afraid of - dying before I make my mark on this world

Monday, September 6, 2010

"Me and Jenny goes together like peas and carrots." - Forrest Gump

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Barack Obama Inauguration 2009 Air and Simple Gifts HQ

Obama UFO - Half Speed and Zoomed In

"UFO" sighted following Obama Inauguration...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

"Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth."

Friday, September 3, 2010

"When pigs fly..."

Crazy Sock Day - 'Sock' the Saints!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Children are a gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Life isn't fair..."